Thursday, October 30, 2008

10/30/08 Assingment

Post on your blog:1. Three people to interview for article topic.
2. 10 good questions for each person. All of your questions will not be the same for each person.

1.why are classes so long?
2.can u make them shorter?
3.Do you think its fair?
4.How do you feel about this?
5.Should they get a brake to stretch?
6.Do you think they get bored being in there?
7.How can you change this?
8.Do you think its right or wrong?
9.How long are we gonna have this till?

1.Do you like long class period of teaching?
2.would you like to take brakes? you get tired?
4.Do you like class long?
5.would you change the classes to a short period?
6.If classes were shorter do you still get paid the same?
7. Do you think students learn more with longer periods?
8. Do the kids get annoying after a while?

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